Morocco/INDH: School buses handed over to several rural communes in Sidi Bennour

Published on 18/09/2024 | La rédaction


A total of 18 school transport buses have been handed over to rural communes in the province of Sidi Bennour, as part of the efforts of the National Initiative for Human Development (INDH) to combat school drop-out in rural areas.

The ceremony to hand over the keys to these school transport buses was presided over on Sunday by the governor of Sidi Bennour province, El Hassan Boukouta.

"This is a batch of 18 buses, 10 of which were acquired as part of the INDH's I mpulsion du capital humain des générations montantes program.INDH and 8 made available by the Sidi Bennour Provincial Council", Soukaina Chattabi, Head of the Sidi Bennour Provincial Social Action Division (DAS), told MAP.

The main aim of the project, she said, is to improve access to the nearest schools for pupils from remote douars.

The INDH prize was awarded to the territorial communes of Laatatra, M'tal, Béni Hilal, Khmis Ksiba, Koudiat Bni Dghough, Tamda, Oulad Amrane, Laghnadra, Saniat Berguig and Oualidia, while the provincial council prize was awarded to the rural communes of Oulad Amrane, M'tal, Béni Hilal, Khmis Ksiba, Koudiat Bni Dghough, Tamda, Oulad Amrane, Laghnadra, Saniat Berguig and Oualidia. Oulad Si Bouhya, Bouhmame, Laaounat, Laamria, Beni Tssiris, Oulad Amrane, Lahgagcha and Lgharbia.

The ceremony was attended by officials from the province of Sidi Bennour, as well as several elected representatives, deputies and parliamentary councillors.


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