France/ Mayet. The twinning committee celebrates its 40th anniversary

Published on 06/09/2024 | La rédaction


The Mayet twinning committee met at the Métronome on Monday. On the agenda: preparations for the 40th anniversary of the twinning with the German town of Lichtenau.

" I'd like this anniversary to be more structured than previous ones. We need to broaden and energize the village around this event, which will take place on Ascension weekend, from May 28 to June1, 2025 ", explained Bernard Eveilleau, president of the committee.

At the start of the new school year, 15 secondary school pupils will begin learning German. Two exchanges are planned between German and French students, in January and March 2025. They will give rise to a report by the schoolchildren, the form of which has yet to be determined, and which will probably be presented on May 29.

Four second-year students from the IUT in Le Mans, as part of their communication and management studies, will be carrying out a tutored project on the theme of this 40th anniversary. " We'll be present at the festivities and are preparing a photo exhibition on the village. We'll also be polling residents on their wishes for the event. We're also planning musical entertainment. This project can also be completed in conjunction with schoolchildren," explain Pauline, Cristelle, Sophia and Léonie. The next meeting on this subject is scheduled for Monday, October 7.

A German delegation present this weekend

The nine-person board of the German twinning association with Mayet will be hosted this weekend by a number of Mayet families.

The program

Saturday, September 7th : welcome around 2 p.m. and installation in the families; at 4 p.m., visit to the mushroom cellar; at 5.30 p.m., meeting of the two committees at the town hall.meeting of the two committees at Verneil-le-Chétif town hall; at 8pm, departure for Mansigné (comice cantonal meal).

Sunday, September 8: at 10 a.m., participation in the associations forum at the Mayet gymnasium and picnic; at 3 p.m., visit to a goat farm; at 4.30 pm, visit to the audiovisual and communication museum in Château-du-Loir; 7 pm, dinner at Métronome.

Monday September 9: departure at 9 a.m.


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