France/ Coutances celebrates 20th anniversary of twinning with Troïna, Sicily

Published on 16/09/2024 | La rédaction


On Friday September 6, 2024, the Coutances-Hauteville-la-Guichard and Troïna (Sicily) twinning committee celebrated the 20th anniversary of their rapprochement. Zoom on the Sicilian clan of friends.

On Friday September 6, 2024, Jean-Dominique Bourdin, mayor of Coutances (Manche), his counterpart from Hauteville-la-Guichard, Guy Fossard, and Brigitte Noël-Coulomb, president of the Comité de jumelage coutançwelcomed a delegation of nineteen Sicilians from Troïna to the town hall to renew their commitment to friendship by re-signing the twinning charter initialled on June1, 2002.

Jusée Macri, president of the twinning association and former mayor of Troïna, was also present.

"Maintaining friendly relations and peace".

Yves Lamy, former mayor of Coutances at the time, who signed the document, explains the origins of the twinning. "In 2002, a member of staff at the town hall phoned me from reception, telling me that four gentlemen in black suits and dark glasses were asking to see me! She sounded worried. In the end, they were Troïna residents, historians or elected representatives, who were interested in the history of the Tancredes and wanted to set up a twinning arrangement."

In their speeches, each mayor expressed the wish "to keep these friendly relations alive, and to pass on to future generations a thirst for peace". The delegation left on Monday, September 9, 2024.


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