France/NOTE AUX COLLECTIVITÉS TERRITORIALES. Publication of the regulations for the 2024 calls for projects

Published on 01/12/2023 | La rédaction


The Délégation pour l'action extérieure des collectivités territoriales of the French Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs is pleased to announce that the regulations for the 2024 thematic, general and turnkey calls for projects are now available online on France Diplomatie.

For each call for projects (CFP), applicants are invited to consult the following documents:

  1. The general rules for each call for projects: this document sets out the rules applicable to all calls for projects, such as who may apply, co-financing rates, application procedures, etc.
  2. The specific rules for each PAA: this document defines the priority objectives and targeted fields of intervention, as well as the timetable, specific to each PAA;
  3. The explanatory sheet on how to take gender equality into account in a decentralized cooperation project;
  4. Word and Excel forms to help you enter your application online, plus a calendar template;

With the exception of the "Turnkey" AAP, the application procedure is entirely paperless, and is carried out on the platform. To this end, the DAECT provides applicants with user guides for applying for a call for projects (explanation of the procedure online at, as well as for updating CTF information on the Atlas of Decentralized Cooperation.

Source: CNCD

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