France/Craftsmen at the heart of the local economy
Claude Revel, President of the Communauté de communes du Clermontais, and Christian Poujol, President of the Chambre des métiers et de l'artisanat de l'Hérault (CMA34), signed a partnership agreement to formalize their collaboration on Thursday January 30.
It covers economic studies and observatories, as well as the creation, transfer, support and development of businesses in the region. " The aim is to get closer together," emphasized Olivier Brun, the local authority's vice-president in charge of economic development. The major actions envisaged concern support and guidance for craftspeople, particularly in the areas of Eco-défis, répar'acteurs and Zero Waste.
The president of the consular chamber was keen to point out the sensitivity of craftsmen to the waste economy. "You don't throw things away when you're a mechanic. A bolt, he recovers it and maybe uses it a year later." The Clermont-Ferrand region has 1,500 craft businesses, or one for every 20 inhabitants. Construction alone accounts for almost half of this figure. "Christian Poujol explains : "This is not an insignificant number, as these trades are under pressure, with a shortage of manpower and training. He adds: "In the Clermontais region, 31% of business owners are women, compared with only 27% in the Hérault region." CMA34 has been present in the region for almost 20 years, with a branch in Clermont-l'Hérault. "Working together, and it's together that we get things done," concluded the local authority's president.