France/Craftsmen at the heart of the local economy

Published on 05/02/2025 | La rédaction


Claude Revel, President of the Communauté de communes du Clermontais, and Christian Poujol, President of the Chambre des métiers et de l'artisanat de l'Hérault (CMA34), signed a partnership agreement to formalize their collaboration on Thursday January 30.

It covers economic studies and observatories, as well as the creation, transfer, support and development of businesses in the region. " The aim is to get closer together," emphasized Olivier Brun, the local authority's vice-president in charge of economic development. The major actions envisaged concern support and guidance for craftspeople, particularly in the areas of Eco-défis, répar'acteurs and Zero Waste.

The president of the consular chamber was keen to point out the sensitivity of craftsmen to the waste economy. "You don't throw things away when you're a mechanic. A bolt, he recovers it and maybe uses it a year later." The Clermont-Ferrand region has 1,500 craft businesses, or one for every 20 inhabitants. Construction alone accounts for almost half of this figure. "Christian Poujol explains : "This is not an insignificant number, as these trades are under pressure, with a shortage of manpower and training. He adds: "In the Clermontais region, 31% of business owners are women, compared with only 27% in the Hérault region." CMA34 has been present in the region for almost 20 years, with a branch in Clermont-l'Hérault. "Working together, and it's together that we get things done," concluded the local authority's president.


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