Congo/ Training: parents urged to steer children towards mechanical trades

Published on 17/09/2024 | La rédaction


On September 13, the Association des ouvriers garagistes du Congo (AOGC), in partnership with the Pointe-Noire Chamber of Commerce, Industry, Agriculture and Trades (CCIAM), organized the 3rd edition of the Seventy-two Hours of Mechanics event at the Cefa automobile education, training and apprenticeship center on the grounds of the Lycée professionnel Thomas-Sankara, an event dedicated to promoting the automotive mechanics professions.

Presenting the event, Sylvestre Didier Mavouenzela, President of the Pointe-Noire Chamber of Commerce, said it would last three days and bring together, among others, master craftsmen in car mechanics and young people seeking employment.will last three days and brings together, among others, master craftsmen in automobile mechanics and young people seeking employment.It enables them to seize the various opportunities offered to them in the mechanical sector, with the aim of providing some solutions to the long-standing paradox between companies in perpetual search of manpower on the one hand, and unemployed young people on the other.

In his view, the Pointe-Noire Chamber of Commerce's Cefa automobile training center alone cannot train all the young people seeking an apprenticeship in mechanics. That's why the master craftsmen who make up the AOGC have been asked to make their contribution by training young people. "The aim of this event is also to encourage vehicle owners to adopt good practices, reduce the number of accidents and highlight the benefits ofgood highlighting the benefits of a good braking system, for example, and the use of quality oil, filters and other automotive accessories. It's a unique opportunity for all vehicle owners to benefit from a free repair with the purchase of aa car part displayed in the various stands by the event's partner companies", he said. He asked the young people trained by master craftsmen to come and take the exam at Cefa, so that they can obtain a diploma recognized by the public authorities. This will help improve the quality of automotive maintenance in the country.

For Patrice Bakekolo, President of the AOGC, the event was an opportunity to officially present the new outfits that master craftsmen will be wearing from now on, before inviting stakeholders in the automotive mechanics sector to join join them for a mutually beneficial sharing of experiences, and for the public to approach them for possible exchanges.

Cefa automobile has just acquired new equipment that will enable it to go from CAP to BTS Pro via BAC Pro." Today, we're working with our partners at the Chambre des métiers des pays de la Loire in France, who are helping us to set up the Bac Pro referential, which we've already shared with companies and which we'll be sending to the Ministry. So, the mechanical engineering profession offers real opportunities for young people. As you can see, since the opening of Route nationale n°1 Pointe-Noire-Brazzaville, there are more and more transport vehicles in need of maintenance. So we need to understand that the mechanic's trade doesn't just lead to salaried employment, it can also lead you to be an entrepreneur, by setting up your own business", urged the President of the Chamber of Commerce.

At the end of the launch of activities for the third edition of the "Soixante-douze heures de mécanique", several of the young trainees received their vocational qualification certificates. The event also included an indoor workshop on oil filters and a workshop on work permits.


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