Canada/Saguenay to spend $130 million by 2025

Published on 04/07/2024 | La rédaction


Saguenay will invest $129.8 million in its infrastructure by 2025. Of this amount, $106.3 million (82%) is earmarked for maintenance, $19.5 million (15%) for development and $4 million (3%) for economic development. The three-year capital expenditure plan (PTI) for 2025, 2026 and 2027 amounts to $416.5 million.

Nine councillors voted in favour and six against. The special meeting, scheduled to last 15 minutes, stretched to almost 45 minutes due to lengthy interventions by part of the municipal council prior to the vote.

Councillors Marc Bouchard, Michel Tremblay, Jacques Cleary, Serge Gaudreault, Raynald Simard and Mireille Jean voted against the plan.

Councillor Marc Bouchard quickly spoke up at the end of the presentation by Councillor Michel Potvin, Chairman of the Finance Committee, saying he could feel the municipal elections approaching.

It's a sweet ITP for two boroughs, but at what price," questioned the councillor-designate from the Équipe du renouveau démocratique.

We're dependent on the past. Asset retention wasn't fashionable in Saguenay or Quebec," replied Mayor Julie Dufour.

Tempers quickly flared. Councillor Kevin Armstrong was annoyed by his counterpart's criticism.

What would Mr. Bouchard and the DRE change about our tax policy or our debt management policy? I want to hear it. We work for the world. We have to be positive. I'll be very happy to hear it," he said.

This ITP is irresponsible, incoherent and electioneering.

A quote from Councillor Mireille Jean

The District 8 representative launched into a lengthy written explanation, citing a number of projects in the plan as examples. She deplored the lack of vision in the three-year capital plan. If downtown Chicoutimi and the former railway zone are priorities for the city, she asks why they are not included in the project.

I find the projects interesting, but you can't say yes to everything unless you want to look good," she said.

Michel Potvin was taken aback by this statement.

Councillors Jacques Cleary and Michel Tremblay questioned the vagueness surrounding the Place Nikitoutagan project in the Jonquière borough.

A revised timetable for the better

Saguenay mayor Julie Dufour described the exercise as a tour de force. At a technical briefing attended by media representatives, she extolled the advantages of adopting the three-year capital plan in early July rather than in the fall. This new adoption cycle allows us to extend the work period, distribute it more evenly and increase the number of projects carried out.

It's a win-win situation for everyone, including the public," she summarized.

We're inspired by the best practices in Quebec," adds Gabriel Rioux, the city's general manager. As an example, he cites a 16% saving on paving work thanks to this approach.

He pointed out that 55% of the 2025 ITP is devoted to aqueducts and sewers, as well as roads, bridges and engineering structures. Paving and repairing the road network will cost $24 million next year.

Emergency repairs to culverts deemed unsafe for traffic have also been included in the plan. A sum of $6.5 million has been earmarked for this purpose.

Saguenay will allocate $4 million to the development of its industrial parks.

The Rivière-aux-Sables park will receive $10 million next year. The city will invest $4 million in developing and upgrading bicycle paths. Michel Potvin mentions that $1.6 million has been earmarked for a specific project that cannot be disclosed. The trading post and aluminum bridge will receive $1 million and $500,000 respectively.


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