Canada/New deposit system: Quebec relaxes rules

Published on 05/10/2024 | La rédaction


As the implementation of the new deposit system in Quebec accumulates delays, the Legault government will reduce the number of return locations across the country by 20% to give a boost to the rollout of the network and its manager, Consignaction.

According to the Gazette officielle, as of March1, 2025, there will be 300 fewer sites than planned to collect hundreds of millions of newly returnable containers - wine and spirits bottles, plastic water bottles and multi-layer cartons - with the target increasing from 1,500 to 1,200 return sites.

The government will also allow greater distance between return locations and food retailers, and will require a minimum number of Consignaction centers in each region of Quebec. These changes should make it easier to roll out the network of return locations for returnable containers.

185 sites to be opened in 5 months

According to the Legault government, the ball is now in Consignaction's court. With five months to go before the new deposit on wine bottles comes into effect, the organization has only opened 15 of the 200 sites scheduled to open by March 2025.

Some food retailers feared that they would have to take back a greater number of returnable containers if Consignaction failed to open a sufficient number of return sites by March 1.

Until now, the regulation had provided for a total of 1,500 return sites, of which 400 Consignaction centers were to be set up - a target that had already been revised downwards in the run-up to March1, to 200. The remaining sites were to be opened by retailers.

It remains to be seen what impact Québec's changes will have on the field and network rollout.

By the end of 2026, Quebec will have 400 Consignaction return locations dedicated exclusively to the return of returnable beverage containers, in addition to the 800 at retailers.


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