Côte d'Ivoire/ Tsetse fly campaign launched in Mankono

Published on 11/12/2024 | La rédaction

Ivory Coast

A campaign to combat African animal trypanosomosis or tsetse fly disease was launched on Monday December 9, 2024 in Mankono, on the initiative of Inter-coton and the Béré region's Regional Department of Animal and Fisheries Resources (DR RAH).

This campaign, the first phase in the fight against this animal disease, is part of the Resilience of Cotton Systems (RESCO) project, with financial support from the French Development Agency (AFD). It involves the distribution of 3,400 tsetse fly traps in the Béré region.

Fifty agricultural technicians and DR RAH agents from Béré will be trained to install, maintain and monitor these traps. They will in turn train 253 members of village pest management committees. The project's focal point, Ouattara Djakaria, explained that 52 villages in Mankono department, located on the banks of the Béré and Bandama blanc rivers, are involved in the project.

According to Mr. Ouattara, Inter-coton's aim is to increase the income of cotton farmers, by improving yields and the health of draught animals. The DR RAH, Koné Brahima, described the project as a "real opportunity" for the two ministries in the Béré region to protect the animals.

Source: www.aip.ci/

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