Côte d'Ivoire/ The people of Nidrou learn about the fight against child labor

Published on 20/07/2024 | La rédaction

Ivory Coast

The people of Nidrou, a village in the Bagohouo sub-prefecture, 25 km from Duékoué (west, Guémon region), were made aware of the fight against child labor on Monday, July 15, 2024, at the initiative of ZAMACOM, specializing in cocoa exports, in collaboration with the SOUGRI NORMA cooperative and the NGOs Vert Plus and Green Agro Norma, to enable these children to attend school for their harmonious development, according to the sub-prefect, Marius Foulé Kouamé.

According to Mr. Foulé, these children, who are relatively young and unable to perform tasks well beyond their physical capabilities, can injure themselves with tools unsuited to their age, suffer the consequences of handling toxic substances, and carry heavy loads that harm their physical development.

"In addition to child labor, there are other situations which are just as common in our district, and which jeopardize the harmonious development and eThese include the non-registration of children, forced and early marriages, and the pregnancy of under-age girls", he noted.

The Civil Administrator therefore called on the population and agricultural producers to put an end to child labor and all forms of mistreatment likely to hinder their development, and to commit themselves to sending them to school.

This awareness-raising day was also an opportunity to award prizes to the best pupils following the proclamation of the results of the school leaving certificate.results of the Certificat d'études primaires élémentaires (CEPE), the Brevet d'études de premier cycle (BEPC), and the baccalauréatat (BAC), session 2024, and to lay the foundation stone for the construction of a solar-powered mini water tower, the work of the Sougri Norma cooperative with its technical partner, the NGO Green Agro Vallée.

Source: www.aip.ci/

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