Benin/ Zou Department: UCQVZ raises awareness among neighborhood and village chiefs in 9 communes

Published on 06/09/2024 | La rédaction


The Union des chefs quartiers et villages du Zou (UCQVZ) is touring the department's 9 communes. In Covè, Mayor Auguste AÏHUNHIN encouraged the neighborhood and village chiefs, led by President Georges GNIMADI, to pursue their noble mission for the well-being of the population. "We have embarked on a departmental tour to raise awareness among Zou's district and village chiefs of their rights and duties.

To this end, we have come to present our courtesies before the start of our meeting on your premises," confided the president of the UCQVZ. The mayor of Covè hailed the initiative's relevance: "...this tour came at the right time. I'm delighted that the district and village chiefs of Zou are getting together to succeed in their mission. I encourage you to pursue your mission of serving the people. The beginning is always difficult, but with time, you will succeed. I wish your union every success. The delegation ended the day on Wednesday, September 04, 2024 with Covè's neighborhood and village chiefs. The UCQVZ is continuing its tour of the communes of Djidja, Abomey and Agbangnizoun.


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