Congo/ Semaine de la francophonie: Congolese celebrate the French language

Published on 24/03/2025 | La rédaction


As part of Francophonie Week, the Agence universitaire de la francophonie (AUF) launched a series of activities in Brazzaville on March 20 to promote the French language.

The first day of celebrations for the 2025 edition of the Semaine de la francophonie, in the Republic of Congo, was marked by a round table on the theme of "The state of the French language in Congo".was marked by a round-table discussion on the theme "The state of the French language in the Congo".Édouard Ngamountsika, Arsène Elongo, Loussakoumounou, Ferdinand Otsiema and Dr. Lionnel Kindziala-Kindziala. At international level, the theme is "I educate myself, therefore I act".

The celebration of the Journée internationale de la francophonie is, in fact, a time for sharing and learning. Participants discussed the origins of the French language, its variations, the influence of local languages, its resilience, the domination of local codes and its prospects. During this week, the French language mass is celebrated. The aim is to contribute to its influence and that of the French-speaking world through exchanges, sharing, networking, slam, humor and other forms of entertainment.

The head of the AUF in Congo, Pr Édouard Ngamountsika, explained that the French language, like the national and ethnic languages spoken in Congo, is used by a large number of people. "It's already institutionalized: every March 20 and the whole week that follows is dedicated to celebrating the French language and the Francophonie, in all French-speaking countries. Here, we're talking about the Francophonie in all its forms. A number of activities are planned as part of this celebration, which brings together experts from various sectors," he said.


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