Senegal/Bokhol: the Yas Foundation rehabilitates two classrooms and an administrative block in Keur Mbaye Peulh

Published on 27/02/2025 | La rédaction


On Tuesday, the Yas Foundation, named after the telephone operator of the same name, took delivery of two classrooms and an administrative block at the Keur Mbaye Peulh elementary school, which it had entirely renovated as part of its corporate social responsibility (CSR) program.

"We are present in Keur Mbaye Peulh to take delivery of two classrooms and an administrative block, which we have completely refurbished. This gesture is part of our Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) program, which focuses on education in Senegal," explained Birane Ndione Touré, General Secretary of Keur Mbaye Peulh.négal", explained Birane Ndione Touré, General Secretary of Yas Sénégal.

He was speaking at a ceremony in Keur Mbaye Peulh, a village in the commune of Bokhol, attended by the deputy sub-prefect of Mbane, Abibou Mbaye.

Mr. Touré emphasized that the aim of Yas is "to ensure that there are no more provisional shelters in Senegal", and to enable all children to study in good conditions.

Every time we identify temporary shelters, we set out to demolish them and replace them with classrooms that have been built, equipped and fitted with all the necessary amenities," he said.

He emphasized that it was for this reason that the telephone operator had adopted this logic, with the aim of eliminating inequalities in the education system and making it possible for all children to attend school.inequalities in the education system and enable all students to enjoy the same conditions of study.

In addition to the classrooms and administration block, the Yas Foundation has also electrified the school.

The principal of Keur Mbaye Peulh elementary school, Ndary Diagne, praised the gesture, which had been a long-standing grievance of the local population. He called on the donors to perpetuate these actions in the health sector.

Abibou Mbaye, assistant to the Mbane sub-prefect, presided over the inauguration ceremony and invited pupils and parents to make good use of the facilities.


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