Canada/Family Policy: Amos consults the public with a new online tool

Published on 20/02/2025 | La rédaction


The Town of Amos is using a brand new tool to consult the population as part of the renewal of its Family and Seniors Policy 2026-2030.

It's the first time we've had the chance to use it, and it's particularly appropriate because we're planning to renew the Family and Seniors Policy in 2025, as announced in the budget. We're launching it now to see how people will react. The goal is to call on the population, get their feedback and then make the best decisions for the Town of Amos," says Mayor Sébastien D'Astous.

According to him, this new tool has already proved its worth in other municipalities and could prove very useful in many other circumstances.

The platform has almost no limits, you just need to have the right questions to ask the population. Data is extracted to produce reports, providing information almost in real time.

A quote from Sébastien D'Astous, Mayor of Amos

Whether it's about snow removal, the launch of a policy or a new consultation. I remember when we worked hard to create work charrettes to develop the new downtown with the first two phases of 1st Avenue, it could have been an extremely useful tool," points out Mr. D'Astous.

A major update

The current Family and Seniors Policy comprises 69 actions and dates back more than five years. Among the actions implemented over the years are the seniors' directory, the Je plant mon arbre activity, the winter slide at the natural agora and the spring break family activities.

The Town of Amos' Standing Advisory Committee on Family Issues is counting on the new platform to ensure that the actions of its next policy will meet the expectations of families and seniors. The questionnaire, which takes around 20 minutes to complete, will enable us to reach a wider cross-section of the population.

We want to make sure that some of the actions we take really have an impact in the community, and that we're putting our efforts in the right place. The consultation will also enable us to build our policy and actions based on what our families and seniors want to have in Amos in terms of activities or actions that could enhance their daily lives," says President Raphaëlle Audet.

The consultation also travels to certain key locations to reach certain groups in a more specific way.

A project manager will make sure to meet certain strata of people. She might speak directly to seniors at the Jardins du patrimoine, or meet families at the Maison de la famille. The Town of Amos Facebook page should also share the link to the online consultation, believes Ms. Audet.

The Town of Amos' 2026-2030 Family and Seniors Policy will then be developed and adopted by the end of 2025.


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