Côte d'Ivoire/Retour sur les 2èmes Assises internationales des médecines traditionnelles: vers l'intégration des pratiques traditionnelles et modernes

Published on 20/02/2025 | La rédaction

Ivory Coast

From September 16 to 18, 2024, Abidjan's Université Félix Houphouët-Boigny hosted the 2nd edition of the Assises Internationales des Médecines Traditionnelles. Organized by the Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie (AUF), the Réseau des Académies des Sciences Africaines (NASAC), the Académie des Sciences, des Arts, des Cultures d'Afrique et des Diasporas Africaines (ASCAD), and the Institut de Recherche pour le Développement (IRD), this major event brought together experts from across the African continent to discuss the integration of traditional and modern medicines.

A theme at the heart of public health issues

Under the theme "Integrating traditional and modern medicines", this year's event addressed a crucial issue: how can traditional practices be reconciled with modern medicine to improve the quality and accessibility of healthcare in Africa?

The opening ceremony, presided over by Prof. Zié Ballo, President of the Université Félix Houphouët-Boigny, was attended by numerous academic and institutional figures, including :

  • Prof. Ouidad TEBBAA, AUF Regional Director - West Africa,
  • Prof. Tidiane KONE, Director General of Scientific Research, Ministry of Higher Education and Research, Côte d'Ivoire,
  • Dr. Ehoué KROA, Director of the national traditional medicine program, representing the Ministry of Health,
  • Prof. Norbert Hounkonnou, President of NASAC,
  • Dr. Aké Gilbert Marie N'GBO, President of ASCAD,
  • Dr. Ousmane KANE, Vice-President of ANSTS Senegal,
  • His Excellency Mr. Rajesh RANJAN, Indian Ambassador to Côte d'Ivoire,
  • Dr. Jean-Yves MOISSERON, Scientific Committee Coordinator

The event welcomed researchers and representatives from 13 African countries: Benin, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Côte d'Ivoire, Congo-Brazzaville, Democratic Republic of Congo, Ghana, Guinea, Madagascar, Mali, Morocco, Senegal and Togo.

Rich discussions and innovative perspectives

Participants explored several key themes:

  • Health policies and regulations at regional and national levels,
  • Research and development of medicinal plants,
  • Social practices around traditional medicines,
  • Innovations and developments in this fast-changing sector.

These exchanges highlighted the importance of a structured legislative framework, official recognition of practitioners and improved collaboration between traditional and modern healthcare systems.

Closure and outlook: towards greater interdisciplinary collaboration

On September 18, at the closing of the Assises, a major breakthrough was announced: the creation of NASAC's Interdisciplinary Research and Development Group on Traditional Medicine (GIR&D-MT). As Prof. Norbert Hounkonnou pointed out, this initiative marks "an irreversible awareness of the richness of our ancestral heritage" and lays the foundations for a structured dialogue between traditional and conventional medicine.

In addition, Dr. Jean-Yves MOISSERON, coordinator of the scientific committee, announced the forthcoming publication of the proceedings of the 2023 and 2024 Assises, reinforcing the dissemination of the knowledge produced.

Finally, Prof. Ouidad TEBBAA praised the unique format of these Assises, which foster collaboration between junior and senior researchers. She pledged to meet again in 2025 in Madagascar for the 3rd edition, promising to pursue this dynamic of dialogue and innovation.

A key event for the future of traditional medicine in Africa

The Assises testify to the strong commitment of academic and institutional players to the integration of traditional medicines within a rigorous scientific framework. By highlighting research, innovation and regulation, they are helping to make traditional medicines an essential lever for improving healthcare systems in Africa.

See you in 2025 in Madagascar to continue this scientific and human adventure!

Source: www.auf.org/

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