France/The Sorbiers Twinning Committee supports Ukrainian culture

Published on 20/02/2025 | La rédaction

France, Ukraine

A literary exhibition and cultural event highlight the richness of Ukrainian culture in Sorbiers. Through books and readings, this initiative pays tribute to cultural resistance in the face of conflict.

An exhibition to discover Ukrainian literature

From February 21 to March 1, the Sorbiers library is hosting an exhibition dedicated to Ukrainian culture. Collections of poems, children's stories and reference books on the Ukraine will be available to visitors.

This project, organized with the Sorbiers twinning committee, is part of a drive for cultural solidarity to mark the three-year anniversary of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict.

A series of photographs lent by the Ukrainian Institute in France will enhance the exhibition illustrating the destruction of Ukrainian cultural buildings, before and after the war.

☕ A café-rencontre to exchange and resist through culture

On Sunday, February 23, a highlight is planned in the new "tiers-lieu" (local "Pré de chez vous") in Sorbiers: a café-rencontre, from 3pm to 6pm. Readings will be given by library volunteers to introduce people to Ukrainian literature and promote an act of cultural resistance.

The books on display come from the Stand with Ukraine initiative, supported by the Association des maires de France and the Ukrainian Embassy in France. They reflect the diversity and richness of Ukraine's literary heritage, often unknown to the general public.

A unique opportunity to delve into a culture marked by history and to support, through words, a people in struggle.


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