France/ For the 40th anniversary of the Mayet twinning, host families are sought

Published on 17/02/2025 | La rédaction


Around 80 German guests are expected in Mayet from May 29 to June 1, 2025 for the 40th anniversary of the twinning committee with Lichtenau. Host families are sought.

On Monday January 27, 2025, the Franco-German twinning committee of Mayet(Sarthe) held its general meeting.

Key item on the agenda: preparations for the upcoming 40th anniversary.

Taking place from May 29 to June 1, 2025, the program for this anniversary celebration of friendly relations between Lichtenau and Mayet is beginning to take shape.

"The program has been drawn up jointly by Pauline Gatellet, Sophia Kamal, Léonie Leroi and Kristalla-Luna Ruez, DUT GEA students from Le Mans," explains Bernard Eveillaud, president of the twinning committee.

Strengthening Franco-German ties

"The aim of the twinning committee is to promote networking between associations, schools and colleges, and all the citizens of Mayet and Lichtenau.

To this end, music, sport and culture will be on the agenda over the weekend in tribute to this fortieth anniversary.

Music and Olympics

On Friday morning, the two bands will work together, followed by a concert in the gymnasium on Friday May 29, 2025 at 8pm. In the afternoon, an intergenerational sports Olympiad will be organized.

"On Saturday, our German guests will visit the cities of Tours and Saumur. On Saturday evening, starting at 8pm at the Mayet gymnasium, a festive evening is planned", adds Bernard Eveillaud.

Host families sought

Expecting around 80 Germans for this festive weekend, the twinning committee is looking for host families. If you are interested in hosting a German, please contact the president.


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