France/ In Potigny, the Jutrosin twinning committee prepares for the arrival of the Poles

Published on 20/01/2025 | La rédaction


Polish friends from Jutrosin come to Potigny in July as part of their twinning. The 111-member Potigny association is preparing for the event.

At the Annual General Meeting held in Potigny (Calvados), President Marie-Neige Fichet from Clairfontaine recalled the dates that mobilized the Jutrosin Twinning Committee in 2024.

With 111 members, the association organizes an annual dance and Polish language courses under the guidance of Barbara Ogonowska. Some fifteen students are divided into two groups.

22 people off to Poland

In July, 22 people went to Poland to meet up with friends. The Potignais enjoyed numerous visits and joined the Poles in a memorable parade of athletes.

In August, the twinning team took part in the Franco-Polish festival in Grainville-Langannerie. After the vacations, a twinning stand was present at the associations' forum and the Christmas market.

Members got together for a Karezma evening, the equivalent of a Spanish inn, with everyone bringing their own home-cooked dishes.

The Polish reception

As regards plans for 2025, it seems that a collaboration with the Moult twinning association is envisaged. With this association, an escapade in the north is envisaged with visits and meals in common. The various events and participations are maintained.

With a substantial budget, the President reminds us that this year, the association will be hosting the Poles. This will take place in July.

This reception has a certain cost.

Marie-Neige Fichet de Clairfontaine, president of the Jutrosin twinning committee.

Normally, they will visit the Orne department and go swimming in La Manche.

The Board was re-elected in this form. President Marie-Neige Fichet from Clairfontaine, treasurer Sandrine Fabbro, secretary Casimir Blasczyk, vice-presidents Christian Palmetti and Janine Kepa, deputy treasurer and secretary Didier Hamel and Paule Blasczyk.


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