Digital: 650 million training opportunities in Africa by 2030 (Brookings)
With the world's youngest population, Africa could, given the right conditions, provide the world with a quality workforce over the next 10 to 15 years, according to forecasts by Brookings. But none of this will be possible without substantial investment in training.
The new "Foresight Africa 2025-2030" report from the American think tank Brookings Institution estimates that by 2030, 230 million jobs will require digital skills in sub-Saharan Africa. The document anticipates up to 650 million digital skills training opportunities, which could represent a market worth $130 billion.
Citing a previous study by the International Finance Corporation (IFC), the authors point out that realizing this potential will require massive investment in education and training to prepare young people for these new opportunities. Digital jobs can be generated in a variety of sectors, from technology and business process outsourcing centers to high-tech industries, online services and digital finance.
The impact of this digital revolution will not be limited to direct job creation. It will also have a positive impact on other sectors of the economy, fostering innovation and entrepreneurship, and strengthening Africa's global competitiveness. In short, digital transformation is an essential key to unlocking Africa's economic potential and opening up promising prospects for the continent's youth.
"For governments, leveraging digital tools can increase efficiency, improve revenue collection and service delivery. In addition, the development of a skilled African workforce, adapted to local needs and global requirements, is essential," the document states.
If governments fail to act decisively to improve the training situation, these forecasts are likely to be met with a worsening unemployment crisis and social inequalities, making these opportunities inaccessible to many young Africans.