Congo/ Associative life: U2C commits to professional integration of young people

Published on 04/01/2025 | La rédaction


On December 28 in Brazzaville, Maurice Oris Ongoumouka, first secretary of the University of the Second Chance (U2C), pledged to professionally integrate young people working in education, health and the environment, and to guide them in the different areas of life.

U2C is a non-profit, apolitical platform whose slogan is "A future for all". The organization's project is based on an integral support model and revolves around six fundamental pillars: education, health, the environment, skills training, the economy, professional integration and social fulfillment.

As part of these missions, U2C hopes to reach over twelve thousand young people in its first phase, with extension planned throughout the country. Welcome centers will be set up in the country's main cities, with a clear objective: to reduce unemployment and empower young Congolese.

The organization's collective commitment is aimed at restoring hope and dignity to Congolese youth. Belchylla Onckouo, in charge of external relations and cooperation, said: "Every young person has the right to a second chance, and we'll be there to support them in this adventure. U2C will help young people to blossom, particularly in training, professional integration, education and the environment. We train young people in relation to the different potentialities and needs they present. We'll help them find jobs and integrate socially and professionally.

U2C is a platform that accompanies national policy based on the ODD4: "Ensure equal access to quality education for all, and promote lifelong learning opportunities" and ODD8: "Foster sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all".

Twelve thousand young people throughout the country will be offered vocational training courses leading to qualifications and tailored to their needs, potential and employability opportunities. This U2C project will be carried out in every department of the country.

The U2C's first secretary praised the commitment of the young people and local partners who supported this project in order to make it a reality. "This project was built on January 3, 2024. Second chance universities are seen as an opportunity to try something again after experiencing failures and setbacks. There are academics whose course of study doesn't meet the needs of the job market, and they want to move on to other courses. They need a second chance," he says.

U2C is an essential lever for transforming the challenges and opportunities facing Congolese youth. The presentation ceremony was attended by over two hundred and fifty young people from various parts of the city.


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