Côte d'Ivoire/ Nearly 300 head teachers receive training in Bouna as part of PENAPAS in the Bounkani region

Published on 27/12/2024 | La rédaction

Ivory Coast

A training session for 286 elementary school principals from the Bounkani region began on Thursday December 26, 2024, at the Lycée Moderne in Bouna, with a view to better preparing them for the rest of their school career.

The training is taking place in the four educational districts of Bounkani, with 115 principals in Bouna, 75 in Doropo, 73 in Nassian and 23 in Tehini. It is part of the Programme national d'amélioration des premiers apprentissages scolaires (PENAPAS), a program applied to the Cours préparatoire 1ère et 2e années (CP1 and CP2), aimed at strengthening pupils' fundamental skills in reading, writing and mathematics,

The official training launch took place under the chairmanship of the Secretary General of the Direction Régionale de l'Éducation et de l'Alphabétisation (DRENA) de Bouna, Konan Kouakou Edouard, who urged principals to attend the training session in order to take full advantage of it.

According to Bakayoko Korodi, Bouna's pre-school and primary education inspector (IEPP), the training is aimed at school principals, who are considered essential links in the educational chain.They are considered essential links in the educational chain, and are responsible for following up the program with preparatory class teachers to maximize its impact and ensure that learners' skills are truly enhanced.

The training, scheduled to end on Monday January 6, 2025, is supervised by the DRENA and the Antenne de la pédagogie et de la formation continue (APFC) in Bouna, headed by Chief Inspector Jérôme Gbongué Kessé.

PENAPAS is part of the major educational reforms initiated by the Minister of National Education and Literacy, Mariatou Koné. The program aims to improve equitable access to quality educational services, while integrating health-related objectives in elementary school.

Nationwide, over 30,000 primary school teachers have already benefited from PENAPAS training, demonstrating the Ivorian government's commitment to strengthening the education system. The program's objectives and spin-offs represent a significant step forward in the development of early learning throughout the country.

Source: www.aip.ci/

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