AUF Central Africa and Great Lakes strengthens the capacities of its French-speaking Student Leaders Clubs

Published on 27/12/2024 | La rédaction

Cameroun, Chad, Congo, Congo DRC, Gabon

Between November 11 and December 13, 2024, AUF Central Africa and the Great Lakes organized training sessions for its 50 Clubs Leaders Etudiants Francophones (CLEF) in Burundi, Cameroon, Chad, Congo, Democratic Republic of Congo and Gabon. The aim of these workshops was to strengthen the capacities of CLEFs in a specific area of management and leadership of an associative structure such as a student club.

In 2022, the AUF launched its international network of Clubs Leaders Étudiants Francophones (CLEF) to support and accompany student initiatives within its member institutions. Clubs awarded the CLEF label have access to a range of opportunities, including various training courses on managing and leading an associative structure.

For CLEFs in the Central Africa and Great Lakes region, this need was demonstrated by a number of factors observed over the past two years: difficulty in drawing up action plans, absence of activity in some cases, difficulty in proposing activities likely to interest other players in university life or including them, lack of knowledge of fund-raising and funding mechanisms...

The aim was therefore to organize short training sessions in each of the 6 national offices overseeing the deployment of the 50 CLEFs of the AUF in Central Africa and the Great Lakes region.of an associative structure, activity programming, project management, event design and production, digital communication, fund-raising, partnership research and sponsorship.

Burundi - The training, led by Ir.Hymelin Niyondagije, Head of the Self-Employment and Pre-Integration Department at the Burundian Employment and Manpower Office (OBEM), focused on association management techniques. It was attended by 28 participants.

Cameroon - Training took place at three sites, in Douala, Yaoundé and Maroua. The aim was to provide association managers with the skills they need to structure their associations, plan and manage projects, and acquire financing methods to guarantee the sustainability of their activities.

Chad: the theme of the workshop was social commitment in the student environment. Its aim was to strengthen students' social commitment by providing them with essential skills for responsible citizenship within their university communities.


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