Benin - Early warning systems/Community conflicts: UNDP and the Kingdom of the Netherlands equip members

Published on 19/11/2024 | La rédaction


The United Nations Development Program (UNDP) and the Kingdom of the Netherlands, through the Projet d'Appui au Renforcement de la Cohésion Sociale, à la Prévention de l'Extrémisme Violent et à la Lutte contre les Conflits liés à la Transhumance (Support Project for Strengthening Social Cohesion, Preventing Violent Extremism and Combating Conflicts linked to Transhumance), have proceeded with capacity building and the installation of actors for the animation of early warning systems for community conflicts, risks of radicalization and violent extremism at national, departmental and local level in the 16 communes of intervention of the project. Work took place from October 31 to November 09, 2024.

The aim of the activity was to set up early warning systems for community conflicts, the risks of radicalization and violent extremism in the project's 16 intervention communes: Parakou, Nikki, Kalalé, Kandi, Ségbana, Banikoara, Karimama, Malanville, Djougou, OuakéNatitingou, Tanguiéta, Boukoumbé, Cobly, Materi and Kérou. The aim was to build the capacity of the key players responsible for running the early warning system and establishing effective communication channels. All the villages and arrondissements of each commune were represented, through key players who play roles in the prevention and resolution of conflicts and violent extremism.

In each commune, the experts talked to participants about what an early warning system is, community conflicts, the risks of radicalization and violent extremism, the warning signs of conflict, and the roles and responsibilities of early warning system members.s of early warning system members, the composition of the early warning system, how to sound the alarm, the principles to be respected for a well-functioning early warning system. Case studies of conflicts specific to each commune were analyzed and used as a basis for discussion.


The initiative is a response to the fact that certain countries such as Niger, Mali and Burkina-Faso are at the epicenter of violent extremist attacks, which have a negative impact on three fronts: security, social cohesion and the environment.curity, social cohesion and humanitarian issues, with numerous internally displaced persons and refugees, with spillover effects on their immediate neighbors, including Benin. Benin is unique in that it shares borders with three of the countries attacked: Niger, Burkina Faso and Nigeria. The departments most exposed to these factors are those bordering these countries and presenting the greatest fragility.These include weak local and national institutional governance for the prevention of violent extremism, rising insecurity and violent extremism, and the weakening of local and national institutions for the prevention of violent extremism.The various fragility factors described above make the country's social cohesion a priority for the Government of Benin.Thus, to meet the challenges linked to these factors of fragility, the Government of Benin, in collaboration with the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) and local non-governmental organizations, with the financial support of the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Benin, has initiated this project. The overall aim of the project is to support the country's efforts to consolidate peace and prevent violent extremism. As part of the implementation of the project's work plan, 16 early warning systems for community conflicts, radicalization and violent extremism are to be set up in the project's target communes, in order to strengthen crisis prevention and management systems.The aim is to strengthen crisis prevention and management systems through the identification of referents, the definition of an information-sharing mechanism, the development of reactivity, etc.).).


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