SENEGAL-AGRICULTURE-FINANCING / Kolda: PADAER signs financing agreements with six producer organizations

Published on 15/11/2024 | La rédaction


On Thursday, the Agricultural Development and Rural Entrepreneurship Support Program (PADAER) signed agreements with six producer organizations in the Kolda region (south), as part of its second phase, worth 1.3 billion CFA francs, announced its national coordinator, Saada Ly.

"We have signed agreements with 6 producer organizations involved in livestock farming, local product processing and market gardening.chage for a total of 1.3 billion CFA francs, co-financed by PADER and the Producers' Organizations", he declared, reporting that 2,233 men and women had benefited.

Mr. Ly was speaking at the signing ceremony presided over by the Governor of the Kolda region, Moustapha Ndiaye.

With this support for producers' organizations, PADAER aims to combat irregular migration, particularly in the Kolda region, he said.

"The fund will be paid back to the producers' organizations after reimbursement, to enable others to benefit from support to develop economic activities through entrepreneurship. through entrepreneurship, but also with this support we want to show young people that it is indeed possible to work and succeed at home and avoid the risks of irregular immigration", he affirmed.

The Governor of Kolda welcomed the opportunity offered by the project to the region's young and female entrepreneurs.

"It's an opportunity that Padaer offers to young people and women to succeed here, because it's possible to stay in Senegal and promote self-employment to take part in the construction of the country, which abounds with opportunities. the construction of a country brimming with potential, with its human capital composed mainly of young people who can work and succeed here with the support of the project", confided Moustapha Ndiaye.

Phase 2 of PADAER aims to improve living conditions and incomes, particularly in rural areas.


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