Benin - Ouessè / extraordinary session of the CCoS: launch of the first call for PADIAP projects approved
The extraordinary session of the Conseil Communal et de Suivi (CCoS) was held at the Ouessè district office on Monday October 21, 2024. The main guidelines of the Projet d'Appui au Développement des Investissements Agricoles Productifs (PADIAP) call for projects for private promoters were defined.
Under the chairmanship of Dr. Ibidon Firmin AKPO, mayor of Ouessè Commune, the various stakeholders at this session prepared and validated the first call for projects. Ibidon Firmin AKPO, mayor of the Commune of Ouessè, the various stakeholders at this session prepared and validated the first call for project ideas from private promoters within the framework of the Projet Appui au Développement des Investissements Agricoles Productifs (PADIAP). project ideas from private promoters as part of the implementation of the Projet d'Appui au Développement des Investissements Agricoles Productifs (PADIAP). After this stage, the pre-selection and selection of projects under private initiatives to be financed by the PADIAP will follow.
The session featured two presentations. Firstly, the orientations contained in the PDC4 on the agriculture component, and secondly, the context of PADIAP's implementation. In addition, the roadmap defined for the continuation of activities and the role of each player during the various phases of project implementation were presented. Finally, based on the contributions and observations of the players present at this session, the call for project ideas was validated. Calls for project ideas will be launched in the coming days for private developers in the Ouessè commune to benefit from PADIAP funding.
At the end of the meeting, the total budget allocated to this first call for projects was set at one hundred and twenty million (120,000,000) CFA francs, i.e. 61% of the private investment allocation for the Ouessè commune.The number of projects to be financed was estimated at between five million (5,0000,000) CFA francs and thirty million (30,000,000) CFA francs. Based on the commission's strategic orientations, the project ideas concern plant production (cassava, groundnuts, corn, market garden crops and rice) and animal production (poultry and fish farming). The Mayor closed the session by thanking all participants and urging them to continue to be available for any requests.
It should be noted that the members of the Supervisory Board, the DTA (Dispositif Technique d'Accompagnement) housed within the Groupement Intercommunal des Collines (GIC), the Secrétaire Exécutif (SE) accompanied by a number of technical executives from the town hall, including the Référent Communal du Projet.