Morocco/In Benslimane, INDH continues its awareness campaign for maternal and child health

Published on 26/10/2024 | La rédaction


Benslimane - At the 2nd level rural health center in Sidi Bettach (Benslimane province), the National Initiative for Human Development (INDH) is continuing its awareness-raising campaign for the health of pregnant women or women about to become pregnant.

This operation is part of the national campaign to raise awareness of the importance of the first 1,000 days in a child's life, launched under the theme "The first 1,000 days, the foundation of our children's future".

And also in celebration of International Rural Women's Day, an opportunity seized by the provincial human development committee to enquire about the progress of the operation.

In a statement to MAP, Fouad Hassani, head of the "Income Improvement and Social Inclusion" department at the Social Action Division of the Benslimane provincial prefecture, said that the campaign was part of a broader effort to "improve the quality of life of rural women". that this campaign is part of the maternal and child health component of the "Impulsion du capital humain des générations montantes" program.

Giving an initial assessment of the INDH's work in this area, he reported on the implementation and programming of 10 projects in Benslimane, costing over 6 million dirhams and benefiting 1.500 beneficiaries, noting that these projects mainly concern the equipping of health centers and maternity wards, in addition to the organization of awareness campaigns targeting pregnant women.

Bouchra Kamal Idrissi, President of the Association Santé et Développement in Benslimane, said that the campaign was the culmination of a partnership with INDH and the Délégation provinciale.INDH and the Provincial Delegation of the Ministry of Health and Social Protection, which includes the organization of 27 awareness campaigns, 12 of which concern nutrition during the first 1.000 days have already been carried out.

And to encourage pregnant women who flock to the 2nd level rural health center in Sidi Bettach to have regular consultations and check-ups during their pregnancies, and to give priority to nutrition.They should also encourage breast-feeding to protect their offspring against certain diseases and other immune system anomalies.

INDH's contribution to this operation amounts to 150,000 dirhams, in addition to psychological support and project follow-up. The Provincial Delegation of the Ministry of Health and Social Protection is providing assistance, while the Association Santé et Développement in Benslimane is supplying medical equipment. Benslimane is providing the necessary medical equipment and food supplements, as well as raising awareness of maternal and child health issues.


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