Switzerland/Commerce: stores should be able to open more often on Sundays
Stores could open on up to 12 Sundays a year, according to an initiative backed by the Economic Committee of the Council of States. Unia warns of the risks to staff health.
Stores should be able to open on up to twelve Sundays a year. The Economic Affairs Committee of the Council of States supports an initiative by the canton of Zurich. The Unia union warns of the consequences for staff health.
The text, adopted by 10 votes to 2, aims to give the cantons the option of relaxing their rules on store opening, the Parliamentary Services reported on Tuesday. In the Labor Act, the number of Sundays on which staff can be employed in shops without requiring authorization is to be increased from 4 to a maximum of 12.
On the other hand, the committee rejected by 6 votes to 2, with 4 abstentions, a motion from the National Council aimed at allowing Sunday opening of convenience stores in suburban areas. It preferred the Zurich text.
Source: www.lenouvelliste.ch