Benin/Savè and Kétou: The two mayors unite for a peaceful and concerted resolution of the border dispute between their communes

Published on 23/10/2024 | La rédaction


The meeting room of the Kétou town hall was the setting for a decisive meeting between a delegation from the Savè commune and the Kétou authorities on Wednesday, October 16, 2024. SESSINOU Ablawa Lucie, Mayor of Kétou, surrounded by the Idigny Arrondissement Chief, LALEYE B. Babatoundé, and the technical staff of her municipal administration, welcomed her counterpart from Savè, He Dénis OBA CHABI, accompanied by Dr OLADJIDE Azaria, Chef d'Arrondissement de Béssé, Monsieur Modeste HOUNGBEDJI, CA Honoraire de BESSE and the technical staff of Savè Town Hall. The aim of this working session, initiated by the Mayor of Savè, was to find a favorable outcome to the border dispute that has pitted our two communes against each other for too many years.

For several years now, a land dispute has pitted the populations of Idigny, in the commune of Kétou, against those of Bessé, in the commune of Savè. The dispute first came to the attention of the political and administrative authorities and the technical services of the two sub-prefectures in 1988. At the time, numerous consultations led to a consensus on the demarcation of the border between the two former sub-prefectures. Today, however, this demarcation is being called into question, making it necessary for the two communal authorities to sit down at the dialogue table.

Discussions took place in a climate of mutual respect and benevolence, allowing each party to put forward its point of view with frankness and open-mindedness. The Mayor of Kétou praised the approach and spirit of dialogue shown by her counterpart from Savè, underlining the depth of the ties between our communes. The Kétou side shares the same desire for a peaceful and just settlement of this issue. This state of mind on both sides augurs well for further discussions.

A joint committee for a concerted and lasting solution

Aware of the unfailing historical, cultural and economic ties between Savè and Kétou, the authorities present reaffirmed their determination to put an end to this conflict. To this end, it was agreed to set up a joint committee of 10 members, essentially representatives of the two communes. The committee's task will be to formulate concrete proposals for approval by the two local councils.

A happy outcome in prospect

The authorities of Savè and Kétou have expressed their shared determination to find a happy outcome to this dispute, with the interests of our populations at the forefront of their minds. The newly-created joint committee will be tasked with identifying ways and means of reaching a fair and definitive settlement. The public will be kept informed of progress.

During their speeches, the Mayor of Kétou underlined the leadership shown by the Honorable Dénis OBA CHABI in the search for a peaceful resolution to this dispute. She praised his constructive approach and commitment to dialogue, with the desired impact on the harmonious development of both territories. For his part, the Mayor of Savè praised the spirit of openness and willingness to engage in dialogue shown by the Kétou authorities, with a view to a concerted settlement of the dispute.

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