Congo/Social affairs: the budget for the Youth Productive Inclusion Project is readjusted

Published on 23/10/2024 | La rédaction


At its extraordinary session on October 18 in Brazzaville, the steering committee of the Social Protection and Productive Inclusion of Young People Project adopted the work plan and revised the budget downwards to 9 billion FCFA.

" Unlike the first annual work plan and budget, this one will include forty-six activities, compared with the sixty-six previously selected. The adjusted amount is 9 billion 666 million FCFA, compared with 12 billion 825 million FCFA for the remaining two and a half months", said Ferdinand Sosthène Likouka, Director of Cabinet for the Minister of Planning, Statistics and Regional Integration, in his capacity as Chairman of the Committee.gionale, Ferdinand Sosthène Likouka, in his capacity as chairman of the steering committee for the Projet de protection sociale et d'inclusion productive des jeunes, in the presence of the cabinet directors and other executives of the ministries involved in the project.

The payment of conditional cash transfers to 17,640 households; the identification, selection and enrolment of 45,000 young people aged 18 to 35 as candidates for productive inclusion; training and support for 3,300 young people in self-employment; 2,600 young people learning a trade are the main results expected from this adjusted annual work plan and budget.

Expected results include the acquisition of equipment for the building housing the Single Social Register, and the provision of birth certificates, national identity cards and unique identification numbers to registered households.

Ferdinand Sosthène Likouka recalled that this steering committee meeting was held against a backdrop marked by the government's approval of the implementing decrees for the decree on the creation, remit and organization of the Single Social Register. Also, the launch of the National Social Safety Net Program by the Prime Minister last August. " This program and the Projet de protection sociale et d'inclusion productive des jeunes are intended to be major tools in the fight against poverty and for investment in human capital," he concluded.


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