Morocco/A Jerada, ANEF focuses on sustainable and ecological development

Published on 19/10/2024 | La rédaction


As part of the "Forests of Morocco 2020-2030" strategy launched by King Mohammed VI, the Managing Director of the Agence Nationale des Eaux et Forêts (ANEF), Abderrahim Houmy, made a working visit to the province of Jerada this Tuesday, October 15, 2024, to assess the progress of projects contributing to sustainable development and ecological resilience in the region.

The visit, accompanied by the province's governor, Mabrouk Tabet, took the form of a program focusing on various projects. These include the sustainable development of natural resources, the promotion of local economic sectors, the preservation of biodiversity and the sustainable management of forest ecosystems.

Key initiatives include the rehabilitation of the Chekhar Nature Park, the planting of carob trees using a collaborative management model with local cooperatives, the development of desert aquaculture, and support for the rosemary and esparto grass industries. These efforts reflect an integrated and participatory approach, aimed at harmonizing economic development with environmental preservation, while strengthening resilience in the face of climatic challenges.

With a budget of 80 million dirhams, the Chekhar Nature Park enhancement project will begin in 2025. It includes the reintroduction of protected species and the creation of ecotourism infrastructures, strengthening the local economy while preserving biodiversity.

This project follows on from the conclusive results of the public inquiries for the creation of this Nature Park, launched by Order of the Minister of Agriculture, Maritime Fishing, Rural Development and Water and Forests. Among the actions launched during this visit are the reintroduction of endangered species such as the cuvier gazelle and the cuffed mouflon, and the conservation and restoration of habitats essential to biodiversity.

The flagship 330-hectare carob tree project in Mahsser, supported by an investment of 7.3 million dirhams, involves local cooperatives in collaborative management. This model enhances the value of the land, while generating income for the cooperatives through the exclusive use of natural resources. A cheque for 204,000 dirhams was presented to the Khairat cooperative in Douar Mssaada to encourage these efforts.

Desert aquaculture was highlighted by an ambitious project to deploy integrated aquaculture. This pioneering program aims to develop aquaculture production by integrating fish farming into the province's irrigation basins, on the one hand.This pioneering program aims to develop aquaculture production by integrating fish farming into the province's irrigation basins, and by promoting spirulina and other aquaculture products, particularly for the benefit of young people and women. Such an initiative aims to forge an ecosystem conducive to investment and entrepreneurship.

The project, which has a budget of 25 million dirhams over a three-year period, has four main thrusts, including the establishment of a center of excellence dedicated to aquaculture production and training in the trades of aquaculture in a rural environment.These include the establishment of a center of excellence dedicated to aquaculture production and training, support for the development of socio-economically resilient aquaculture production systems in a desert environment, the stimulation of entrepreneurship in the aquaculture sector, and the promotion of fisheries ecotourism.

A 121.61 million dirham project was launched to protect, rehabilitate and enhance rosemary and esparto aquifers. This project involves local forestry cooperatives in the sustainable management of these natural resources, thus offering socio-economic development opportunities.

A program of biological work, focused on rehabilitating degraded forests and combating desertification, was also unveiled. It provides for the planting of 6,800 hectares over three years, with a budget of 115 million dirhams. A first tranche of 1,580 hectares will be launched in 2024. The budget covers work to regenerate forest ecosystems, combat soil erosion and compensate local populations for the land that has been set aside.

The day was marked by the signing of three memorandums of understanding and six partnership agreements aimed at supporting the sustainable development of local communities. These agreements reflect the stakeholders' shared commitment to improving living conditions for local people while preserving natural resources.

The day ended with the handover of a high-performance multi-purpose drone to ANEF's Oriental Regional Management, marking an important step in the modernization of ANEF's activities. This new tool will strengthen ANEF's ability to monitor, manage and inventory forest ecosystem resources more efficiently and accurately.


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