Burkina Faso/Vocational training: The 2024-2025 pedagogical activities of training centers are launched

Published on 18/10/2024 | La rédaction

Burkina Faso

Burkina's vocational training centers have officially started the 2024-2025 academic year. The launch of teaching activities took place on Thursday October 17, 2024 in Bobo-Dioulasso, under the chairmanship of Dr Boubakar Savadogo, Minister of Secondary Education, Vocational and Technical Training.

This Thursday, October 17, 2024 officially marks the start of teaching activities for the year 2024-2025 in all Burkina Faso's public vocational training centers. All these centers are now united under the banner of "Burkina suudu bawdè (BSD)" in the national Fulfulde language, which in French means "Burkina Skills House". Burkina suudu bawdè was created in July 2023 as a public administrative body to help implement the government's policy of developing technical and professional skills.

According to Dr Kérabouro Palé, Managing Director of Burkina suudu bawdè, this presidential initiative has 31 vocational training centers throughout the country, including three national centers, 13 regional centers and 15 provincial vocational training centers. For the start of the 2024-2025 academic year, a number of initiatives have been launched to enhance the quality of the training on offer and improve the employability of young learners. These include the institution of a prize for excellence and a competition for the best business plans, as well as the opening of new trades including aluminum joinery.

"We also plan to open a vocational training center in Dano in the near future, and to strengthen partnerships with the private sector to offer learners internships in companies, thus facilitating their integration into the job market. We are continually modernizing our infrastructure and equipment, to ensure that our training courses are in line with market requirements, etc.", he explained. The launch ceremony was presided over by the Minister of Secondary Education, Vocational and Technical Training, Dr Boubakar Savadogo.

Vocational training as a lever for development in Burkina Faso

In his speech, Minister Boubakar Savadogo stressed the importance of vocational training in the development of Burkina Faso. According to him, it represents a powerful lever for combating youth unemployment and promoting their integration into the world of work. He remains convinced that you can't develop a country when you import everything, or when you export everything in raw materials. "We need to be able to manufacture what we need, to be able to transform what we have at home and add value to it before sending it elsewhere. To do that, we need to have the skills," he said.

Minister Savadogo pointed out that all countries that have gone from being underdeveloped to industrialized have gone through this phase. That's why, he said, there's no reason why Burkinabè can't take this path if they want the industrial policy driven by the President of Faso to lead us down the road to sovereignty. "We need to train people in all economic sectors", he suggested. With this in mind, the government has decided to make vocational training a top priority.

Hence the reform of vocational training called for by the Head of State, which led to the creation of this presidential initiative, Burkina suudu bawdè (BSB). "Burkina suudu bawdè, created in July 2023, is one of the fruits of this ambitious reform. Its mission is to strengthen the technical skills of our young people and respond to the employment crisis through training adapted to market realities. All public centers are now united under the Burkina suudu bawdè banner. The idea is to have training centers throughout the country, according to potential, where young people will be trained," says Boubakar Savadogo.

Minister hails results of first year of implementation

After just one year of activity, the results are particularly encouraging, according to Dr Boubakar Savadogo. 4,576 learners have been trained at Burkina suudu bawdè centers for the 2023-2024 academic year. Of the 19,349 registered for the 2024 national exams, 17,505 took part, and 14,478 were admitted, representing a pass rate of 82.71%. "These results, while encouraging, do not take into account the modular and continuous qualifying training courses, which are aimed in particular at existing workers. These courses, which are currently being rolled out, will help to further improve the system's performance. I salute these remarkable results and offer my most sincere congratulations to the Managing Director of Burkina suudu bawdè and his entire team for their hard work in a difficult context", he said.

To mark the start of the new school year, the head of the ceremony addressed the students. He invited them to take full advantage of the opportunities offered to them. "You have the chance to acquire skills here that will enable you to make a significant contribution to the country's development. Be curious, diligent, respectful of the rules and committed to your studies. Your success will depend on your determination to overcome obstacles and persevere in your efforts", he said. He then praised the dedication of the coaching staff. "Your contribution to this noble cause deserves our gratitude," he added.

Minister Boubakar Savadogo also reaffirmed the government's commitment to continuing its efforts to build a vocational training system that is inclusive, oriented towards excellence and capable of meeting the real needs of Burkina Faso's economy.

Source: lefaso.net/

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