Belgique/24H vélo LLN: Univers Santé deploys a preventive system for students

Published on 16/10/2024 | La rédaction


The 24 heures vélo de Louvain-la-Neuve will take place next Tuesday and Wednesday, and in the run-up to the event, which attracts an average of 40,000 people, the non-profit organization Univers Santé is planning a preventive program to promote responsible cycling.

To prevent problems related to alcohol, drugs and sexual and gender-based violence (Plan Sacha), a large number of volunteers will be on the ground. Several measures are also planned, in agreement with the emergency services, to inform, raise awareness and prevent revelers.

Listen to our summary via the audio link below.

80 stewards

Around 80 trained students will be roaming the streets and squares of the student city. They'll be handing out free water, bracelets with the Sacha Plan emergency number (+ 32 493 40 52 00), condoms and earplugs. They will also be alerting revelers to the dangers of drugs and excess alcohol. These stewards will also be present in six strategic areas (four "inf'eau" tents and two rest areas). They will be recognizable by their yellow jackets and walkie-talkies. In the event of an emergency, they will act as a relay with the professionals (police, fire department, medical services, etc.).

The Place To Be Save

A sort of prevention village will be set up in Place des Doyens, with information stands. Prevention will be at the heart of the activities on offer. Giant screens will also be broadcasting useful information, to ensure that the party goes as smoothly as possible.

Sacha, against sexual violence

Once again this year, the Sacha plan developed by asbl Z will be activated. Sacha (Safe Attitude Contre le Harcèlement et les Agressions) is an information, awareness and prevention program. Its aim is to offer immediate assistance to victims and witnesses of sexist and sexual violence. Several measures are planned, including relay points, rest areas and recourse to specialized services (Police Victim Assistance Service, Center for the Management of Sexual Violence, police, psychologists, etc.).


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