Togo/ Port of Lomé: full dematerialization of international trade document issuance!

Published on 28/09/2024 | La rédaction


All formalities relating to the issuance of international trade documents at the Port of Lomé are now paperless, according to a press release issued by the port authority and consulted by Togo First. The digital platform dedicated to managing these procedures is now operational.

With this platform, users can now carry out all procedures online, including the collection and tracking of goods. This innovation, it is stated, aims to speed up processes and enhance the transparency of operations, thus contributing to improved performance and competitiveness at the Port of Lomé, which since 2020 has implemented several reforms as part of its digitalization strategy.

These were aimed at improving handling and transshipment statistics. They have enabled Togo's port infrastructure to rank among the world's top 100 ports over the past four years.


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