Congo/ Social affairs: productive inclusion project launched for forty-five thousand young people

Published on 23/07/2024 | La rédaction


One of the components of the Social Protection and Productive Inclusion of Young People project just launched in Djambala, Plateaux department, is to provide vocational and self-employment training for forty-five thousand vulnerable young people aged 18 to 35, in eleven of the country's departments.

Through the Social Protection and Productive Inclusion for Young People Project, which runs until June 2027, the aim is to extend this protection to all segments of the population, said Minister of Social Affairs, Solidarity and Humanitarian Action, Irène Marie-Cécile Mboukou-Kimbatsa, launching the project on July 19 in Djambala. "The aim is to provide the entire population with a non-contributory and productive social protection base", she said.

Project coordinator Antoine Régis Ngakegni explained that the productive inclusion of the vulnerable concerns those aged between 18 and 35. The aim is to promote self-employment and apprenticeships for these young people in urban and peri-urban areas. "In the case of apprenticeship training, the young people selected benefit from apprenticeship training in specific trades for a period of six or nine months, depending on the chosen trade. Graduates of the apprenticeship program receive funding to acquire the equipment they need to start up their business in the chosen trades," he explained.

In addition, the Social Protection and Productive Inclusion of Young People Project will extend the Lisungi Recovery Project. In this respect, 25,000 vulnerable households will benefit from conditional cash transfers and those designed to support income-generating activities.

With regard to the departments where the project is being implemented, it should be pointed out that social protection and productive inclusion will not be achieved in the same way. Likouala (Bétou, Impfondo, Enyelle, Dongou); Cuvette (Mossaka); Plateaux (Ollombo, Ongoni, Lékana, Djambala, Gamboma)Pool (Ngabé, Ignié, Goma Tsé-Tsé, Kindamba, Mindouli); Lékoumou (Sibiti, Mayéyé); Kouilou (Madingo-Kayes, Loango), Bouenza (Nkayi) and Louvakou in Niari are the departments concerned by conditional cash transfers and those aimed at supporting income-generating actions.Dolisie in Niari; Ouesso in Sangha; Brazzaville and Pointe-Noire, for their part, are involved in activities linked to self-employment and skills training for young people.


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