France/ In Sarthe, Saint-Victeur commits to sustainable development with a photovoltaic power plant

Published on 22/07/2024 | La rédaction


The commune of Saint-Victeur (Sarthe) is to build a photovoltaic power plant on its territory. The project offers numerous advantages.

At the request of Montpellier-based Energiter, the elected representatives of the small commune of Saint-Victeur(Sarthe) have given the go-ahead for the construction of a 10.5 MWp photovoltaic power plant on their territory.

Protecting the environment

"With this project, our commune is committed to contributing to sustainable development and producing green energy, thereby helping to protect our environment for future generations," explains village mayor Jean Ledoux.

" The financial interest is also significant for our commune, with a return of €20,000 per year, €30,800 for the Établissements publics de coopération intercommunale (Epci), and €10,900 for the Département.

The possibility of having animals under the panels will also enable eco-pasturing of sheep and, why not, the installation of a young farmer in our commune. "

French company Energiter has been active in the development, construction and operation of renewable energy projects since 2010. Its 2023 electricity production target is 187,500 MWh, equivalent to the electricity needs of around 40,000 households.

Suitable terrain

The project area is located on privately-owned plots of land classified as agricultural in the PLU and with no CAP between 2007 and 2022, for a total surface area of 15.94 ha.

The land is uncultivated agricultural wasteland, with few outstanding natural environments and wetlands.

An impact study on biodiversity and four-season flora and fauna will be carried out. The site is flat and well exposed to the sun. The hedgerow network is well defined, protected and taken into account in the definition of the project. It should be noted that the village is located off-centre from the project, which will minimize any inconvenience caused during the works. Last but not least, the four-kilometre distance to the source substation remains relatively short.

The project also has a positive indirect impact on the local economy, with the involvement of several local companies in the construction of the project (surveyors, construction companies, geotechnical and environmental studies, site maintenance, etc.). Another positive impact is the taxation shared between local communities.


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