Luxembourg/Call for "Resilient Forest" projects: 2000 hectares have already been reforested in Wallonia
What tree species should be planted to cope with climate change? This is certainly a question that many forest owners are currently asking themselves. The "Resilient Forest" call for projects has been launched in 2021 in Wallonia to support them in this reflection and help them financially.
What tree species should be planted to cope with climate change? This is certainly a question that many forest owners are currently asking themselves, and the "Resilient Forest" call for projects has been launched in 2021 in Wallonia to support them in this reflection and help them financially.
This has already led to the reforestation of some 2,000 hectares of plots, like that of Marc Pierret, who has just planted Scots pine, sessile oak and Douglas fir in Hollange thanks to this premium: "All the costs have been covered so far: gyrobroyage, planting and protection around these."
To choose these three species, Marc Pierret was assisted by the cellule d'appui à la petite forêt privée: "Previously, this was a spruce plot, but the trees were attacked by bark beetles.My children and I had to cut down everything, and certainly lost a good part of the yield from our trees. Today, with global warming, it's difficult to know which species to choose."
Favoring species more resistant to climate change
The Scots pines, sessile oaks and Douglas firs were selected thanks to the expertise of Jérémie Deprez, technician at the University of Liège.expertise of Jérémie Deprez, a technician with the support unit for small private forests: "We analyzed the owners' objectives, the site, the soil and its exposure, in order to propose species that are a priori resistant and resilient to climate change, and to enable them to access premiums."
The aim of this regional support is to diversify unresilient, monospecific or dying stands.It requires a mix of at least 3 species adapted to climate change, and emphasizes the integration of greater biodiversity.Final applications can be submitted until July 31, 2024. More info: Forêt Resiliente (