Benin/Cross-border project to strengthen community security: UNDP and Benin launch work in Kandi

Published on 06/05/2024 | La rédaction


With a view to the implementation of the cross-border project to support the reinforcement of community security, the management and prevention of conflicts linked to transhumance and the management of natural resources (Benin-Niger) by the United Nations Development Program (Pnud), in collaboration with the government of Benin, the Minister of the Interior launched the High Labor Intensity (Himo) activities. The event took place on Thursday, May 02, 2024, in the courtyard of the Kandi town hall.

The ceremony was devoted to the launch of High Intensity Labor (Himo) activities, as part of the cross-border project to support the reinforcement of community security, the management and prevention of conflicts linked to transhumance and the management of natural resources between Benin and Niger.appui au renforcement de la sécurité communautaire, à la gestion et la prévention des conflits liés à la transhumance et la gestion des ressources naturelles Bénin- Niger. It follows the training of beneficiaries and partners in the implementation of these activities.

Indeed, the upsurge in attacks that are increasingly being observed in coastal countries speaks volumes about the intentions of these groups to take control of all West African countries. They are constantly seeking to create excitement and terror to induce countries to give in to panic and allow them to establish themselves to carry out their activities. Fragile points such as the absence of the State in these border areas, the lack of prospects for young people and women, the existence of community conflicts undermining social cohesionThese are all opportunities exploited by terrorist groups to indoctrinate and recruit young people in particular, so that they will rally to their causes. The border area between Benin and Niger is unfortunately no exception. Recruitment practices, acts of violence and serious criminality are developing against a backdrop of the false defense of religious principles.

Faced with this worrying picture of border dynamics between Benin and Niger, which jeopardize peace, and in keeping with its mandate, the to its mandate, the undp, in agreement with the Fao, did not hesitate to request assistance from the United Nations Peacebuilding Fund (known by its acronym Pbf). This led to the conception of the Project. The aim of this project is to help strengthen social cohesion and offer socio-economic opportunities to young people and women in certain localities on the border between Benin and Burkina Faso.s in border areas between Benin and Niger, to strengthen their resilience to the phenomenon of violent extremism.

The project also aims to ensure that cross-border populations, in particular young people and women, enjoy sustainable socio-economic opportunities and incomes based on shared management. This will lead to immediate improvements in community incomes, by focusing on the development of agro-sylvo-pastoral and commercial activities, the main income-generating opportunities identified in the project.The aim is to develop agro-sylvo-pastoral and commercial activities, the main income-generating opportunities identified in the area, and to build the capacity of communities to access sustainable economic opportunities. The Himo activities to be launched, while contributing to the achievement of the project's overall results, will enable the target groups, i.e. young people and women, to serve their respective communes by taking part in community development activities.

Counting on the commitment of all those involved to work towards the success of this project, the Deputy Resident Representative of the UNDP, El hadj Oumar Diallo, reiterated the availability of his institution to support the project.he availability of his institution to continue its support alongside the Beninese authorities for the success of this project.


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