Congo/ Trades: encouraging girls to take up technology courses

Published on 01/05/2024 | La rédaction


Every year on April 25, the world celebrates International Girls' Day in the information and communication technology professions. This year, in Brazzaville, this celebration was the subject of an exchange of experience between young girls from the Ecole supérieure de commerce, d'administration et de technologie (ESCAT) and women from Elios Tower.

It was with a curious air that the young girls from ESCAT listened to the various presentations made by the women in charge of the Elios Tower company, which installs pylon sites in the Republic of Congo.Flore Petithe, Project Director, commented: "For Elios Tower, this is our way of participating in our country's development. We all know that the future of our country lies in people. If we invest in people, we'll be able to achieve our goals, because there's gender equality, and this year's message is 'Invest in women' and, above all, accelerate. For me, it's an honor to be able to serve as an example. I've had many opportunities in my life, and I'd like to be one for others.

She encouraged the girls to believe in themselves. "There's the dream and there's holding on. Of course, it's not easy, but if you have the will, you can do it," she insisted.

Cindy Gamassa, in charge of gender issues at the Ministry of Posts, Telecommunications and the Digital Economy, expressed her satisfaction at the organization of this meeting in the particular context of the celebration of this day. "The Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications, in charge of the Digital Economy, stands by all its partners of all its partners and civil society participants who place young girls at the heart of their action", she was quick to say. She added: "Today, we want to boost the image of companies that encourage gender digital inclusion, and I'm at the heart of this mission because women are part of our economy and should participate in it. This day, which commemorates young people in information and communication technologies (ICT), has made it possible to put the young girl at the heart of things, and to support her in her future so that she becomes a fully-fledged woman in the digital sector". Winner of the Prix de la meilleure start-up du Congo since the Assises du Numérique, Cindy Gamassa remains a role model, an example that "these young girls need to see in our society".

Elios Tower Congo Managing Director Maixent Bekangba said:" We are seizing the opportunity of International Girls' Day in ICT to invite them not only to come and discover our sector of activity, but also to introduce them to Elios Tower Congo. s, but to introduce them to the experience of our female colleagues in management and engineering positions", he said." So it's an experience-sharing session so that they can serve as role models to encourage and inspire vocations. And our greatest dream is that tomorrow, the general management of this company that I run could be occupied by a woman who comes from this school" , he continued. Elonga Merveille, a finalist in networks and communications at ESCAT, praised the initiative, thanking the organizers for having retained something fundamental. " I learned that technology jobs are not just for men, and that as women, we can also dare to excel in them," she said.


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