Benin/Child protection in Benin: 35 new childcare centers approved

Published on 26/04/2024 | La rédaction


Some thirty childcare centers received their license to operate this Wednesday, April 24, 2024, at a ceremony presided over by the Minister of Social Affairs, Véronique Tognifodé. The new centers meet the norms and standards set by law.

A total of 35 centers, including 14 day-care centers and 21 Child Care and Protection Centers (Centres d'accueil et de protection de l'enfant - Cape), have received their license to operate, and these new centers can now operate in peace in the Republic of Benin for the benefit of children. "We have observed many malfunctions in the process of creating and managing child protection structures, which did not promote the interests of children and their development in a protective environment.

Similarly, it was important to better classify the structures and ease the conditions for their application, processing and deliberation", said Minister Véronique Tognifodé. "Indeed, since 2021, the Government of Benin has been committed to pursuing the upgrading of Child Care and Protection Centers (Cape) to standards, with a view to promoting the well-being of children in an appropriate living, educational and developmental environment. This decision follows a gloomy state of affairs in the sector, which revealed a glaring absence of norms and standards in terms of infrastructure, hygiene and sanitation.

To remedy these shortcomings, the government has initiated a series of actions, including the issue of a decree setting out the norms and standards applicable to child care and protection centers (Centres d'accueil et de protection d'protection centers (Cape) in the Republic of Benin; the issuance of up-to-date approvals to promoters; the closure of certain Cape centers that put the health and/or lives of vulnerable children at risk.In handing over the approvals to these new, up-to-date promoters, the Minister was quick to remind them that this is not an end in itself, but " an exhortation to maintain the quality of the services offered, while inviting those who have urgent and appropriate actions to undertake to take care of them so as not to have their authorization withdrawn".

For Father Emmanuel Azagba, the recipients' representative, this action once again demonstrates the government's commitment to working for the well-being of children. "We live in an age where child protection has become an undeniable priority, where every child deserves a safe environment in which to flourish. As a society, we have a duty to ensure that every child grows up in safety," he said, pointing out that shelters not only provide a refuge for vulnerable children, but also a roof over their heads.a roof over their heads, and better still, a shoulder to lean on, a hand outstretched to guide them towards a better future", reports the official government website.

Aware of their responsibility to contribute to the full development of the children in their care, he reassured the promoters of their commitment to providing a safe and protective space for the children, as well as physical, educational and emotional support to help them overcome the situations they face.


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