France/ School opens its doors to children from Noyelles-sur-Mer
To attract children from the Noyelles-sur-Mer school to Nouvion, an open house was organized to convince parents.
It might sound like a soccer derby between Nouvion and Crotoy (Somme), but unfortunately it's not, as the derby is the result of a decision by the Communauté de communes Ponthieu Marquenterre following the closure of the Noyelles-sur-Mer school. But what about the children next fall?
Nouvion or Le Crotoy?
Some members of the intercommunality would like them to be sent to the Le Crotoy school, while the vast majority of parents would like their children to attend the nearby Nouvion school.
With this in mind, an open house was organized at the Nouvion school on Friday, April 5, 2024. A dozen families from Noyelles came to see the school and meet the teaching staff.
Towards Notre-Dame de Rue?
Some parents took the opportunity to express their dissatisfaction with the possibility of sending their children to Le Crotoy.
We've made enquiries and decided that if this decision to send our children to Le Crotoy doesn't change, our children will go to private schools," explain some of them. We've contacted the Notre-Dame de Rue school, which will be delighted to welcome them. A decision is expected on June 6. For us, that will already be too late.
Perhaps they think they're presenting us with a fait accompli, but we've decided to take the initiative by pre-registering our children at Nouvion, and if we have to demonstrate in front of the Communauté de communes headquarters, we won't hesitate. Our children's future is surely more important than the budgetary concerns of the intercommunality".
The next few weeks could be tense.