France/ Saint-Georges-du-Bois. Renewed partnership with CAF

Published on 28/03/2024 | La rédaction


On March 20, at the Maison de l'enfance et de la jeunesse in Saint-Georges-du-Bois, the Syndicat intercommunal du Bocage Cénomans and the Caisse d'allocations familiales (CAF) de la Sarthe signed a comprehensive territorial agreement.

Le Bocage Cénomans brings together the communes of Chaufour-Notre-Dame, Fay, Trangé, Pruillé-le-Chétif and Saint-Georges-du-Bois, who share a number of skills, in particular those relating to children and young people.

A social project in line with the previous one

A wide range of services are offered to families, including a crèche, leisure centers, holidays and support for parents.

Like many other associations, the inter-municipal association is facing a sharp increase in costs, as well as a significant rise in the number of hours of service it provides.This limits its visibility over the coming years," says François Mahé, municipal councillor for Chaufour-Notre-Dame and community vice-president for the social project.Against this backdrop, Le Bocage has renewed its social project for the period 2024-2028 and its partnership with the CAF de la Sarthe through the global territorial agreement. The new social project is a continuation of the previous one, with the aim of continuing to do what we do well in a region where families appreciate the services on offer", asserts François Mahé.

Accessibility of services to all, cooperation with other players in the children's sector and the development of an intercommunal spirit will be further consolidated.

However, a new environmental approach has been added to the existing ones, in particular through sustainable consumption patterns and raising awareness among children and young people of the challenges of eco-responsibility.

The CAF provides financial support for this project, as well as social expertise to assist professionals and local authorities working with Bocage families.

The Bocage Cénomans is a very dynamic area, and it has a solid social project, the fruit of the synergies that bring it together", declares Ymane Alihamidi-Chanfi, Director of the CAF de la Sarthe.


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