Congo/ Civil security: artificial intelligence in risk and disaster management

Published on 04/03/2024 | La rédaction


On March 1, the Civil Security Command celebrated World Civil Security Day at its headquarters in Brazzaville. The event was punctuated by a talk-debate on two themes: "Innovative technologies" and "Artificial intelligence (AI) to improve civil security services".

Éric Armel Ndoumba, expert and advisor to the Minister of Posts and Telecommunications, addressed the two sub-themes of the talk-debate. Talking about AI and data to improve, among other things, the warning system for risk and disaster management, he pointed out that data comes from a number of sources, such as sensors and cameras, which are also permanent witnesses to events. They can be analyzed by AI to improve fire-fighting techniques and provide information and recommendations in real time. Éric Armel Ndoumba hinted that the wide variety of tools relating to these technologies offers accessibility to all, each according to his or her capabilities. Drones, satellites, robots and autonomous vehicles, 3D technology, geographic information systems, the Internet of people and things are all tools that civil protection players can exploit to predict, prevent, prepare, respond or rebuild.

As proof, he said, AI can help make more informed decisions and improve firefighting efficiency. He added: "It's all about the data and the algorithms behind it. AI systems can anticipate fire risks by analyzing trends and other anomalies in the data collected from sensors and monitoring systems..."

Closing the causerie-Debat, after a question-and-answer session, the Civil Security Commander, General Albert Ngoto, announced that steps would be taken in this direction to modernize the site. " We have received information that there is an African Center for Artificial Intelligence. We'll be putting in a request for those of us who know the most about these issues, because it's no longer everyone's business; it's just a few initiates who can receive this kind of training, so that we can create a sort of circle of firefighters to be trained in this cutting-edge field ".


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