France/Ile-de-France: The region launches its local produce platform

Published on 03/03/2024 | La rédaction


During her visit to the Salon de l'agriculture, regional president Valérie Pécresse announced the launch of an online store on May 1.

Consumption - During her visit to the Salon de l'Agriculture, regional president Valérie Pécresse announced the launch of an online store on May 1.

Far from the hyperurbanized image it often conjures up,Île-de-France is a major agricultural region. And Valérie Pécresse made a point of reminding us of this during her visit to the Salon International de l'Agriculture on Monday.

To mark the occasion, the region's president announced the creation of an online platform to promote the region's agriculture and products.

Already 5,000 Paris Region products online

Already online, offers "a catalog of 5,000 products" from over 500 producers. "We want to make agriculture a major cause of general interest", explained Valérie Pécresse when announcing this innovation.

In addition to showcasing the region's agricultural heritage, the platform is designed to help local residents and restaurateurs alike to discover and find local produce more easily.

Coming soon: an online store

What's more, the Île-de-France region has announced that the platform is to be transformed into an online store from May 1, to make local produce even more accessible.

Fruits, vegetables, cheeses, drinks, mustards and vinegars, honeys, jams, liqueurs, savoury and sweet groceries, livestock products... All aspects of local production by small-scale artisans and agri-food businesses will be represented "with a simple search mode", by type of product or by producer.

Product characteristics, producers and prices

Consumers will also be able to find the product's characteristics, its price and the history of the producers who made it. A good way to encourage short circuits and "quality local eating", the region ambitions.

Created by the region in 2018, the "Produit en Île-de-France" brand brings together more than 6,000 products as well as numerous agricultural and food companies from across the Paris region.

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