Bénin/Promotion du Volontariat au Bénin: L'AnpE raises awareness among young people in the Zou region
Yesterday, Thursday February 29, 2024, the National Employment Agency (ANPE) organized an information and awareness-raising session on volunteering in Benin, in Bohicon. This event follows on from the one organized a few weeks ago in Abomey-Calavi.
Virginie Bédénou, Head of the AnpE departmental office in Zou and representative of the Managing Director, began by emphasizing the enthusiasm of young people for the agency's initiatives, particularly on the subject of volunteering.She stressed the importance of access to information on efforts to improve employment and professional integration for young people. "Access to information is crucial; that's why the government, via AnpE, has initiated this awareness-raising campaign on volunteering," she declared.
Colombe Doyigbé Moustapha, AnpE's Human Resources Director in charge of volunteering issues, presented the agency and its strategy for promoting and developing volunteering. She detailed the three main thrusts of this strategy, including the definition of the legal framework for volunteering in Benin, its organization and structuring, and its active promotion. AnpE's Director of Human Resources emphasized that the event was an integral part of the third strategic axis, aimed at informing and raising public awareness.
Participants were given training in project management and facilitation. The aim of this training was to provide the young participants with the fundamental skills needed to become effective project leaders. AnpE thus reaffirms its commitment to the development of volunteering, which is seen as a lever for professional integration and employment for young people in Benin.
Indeed, volunteering acts as a springboard to professional integration, enabling individuals to gain valuable experience and develop transversal skills sought after by employers, such as communication and leadership. By getting involved in various projects, volunteers expand their professional network, which can lead to unexpected job opportunities. This enriching experience also demonstrates personal commitment and deep motivation, qualities that are highly valued on the job market.
Source: matinlibre.com/