France/ Operation seduction for the Lyons Andelle community of communes
The President of the Communauté de communes Lyons Andelle unveiled his plans for the coming years, with the aim of attracting both residents and tourists.
To round off the month of New Year's ceremonies, Jean-Luc, President of the Lyons Andelle Community of Communes, invited the community's elected representatives, mayors and former mayors, as well as the staff, who were warmly thanked for their commitment.lus, mayors and former mayors, as well as staff members, who were warmly thanked for their commitment, and other members of the local community, to the community's headquarters on Tuesday evening, January 30, 2024.
An intercommunality on a human scale
Surrounded by his vice-presidents, as well as departmental councillors Françoise Collemare and Thierry Plouvier, Jean-Luc Romet opened his speech by calling for solidarity.
"At a time when individualism has taken a considerable place in our society, I hope that in 2024 we will show solidarity with one another, that our outlook will open up."
The President of the Intercommunalité, which groups together thirty communes and almost 21,000 inhabitants, then launched the seduction operation, developing the assets of the Lyons Andelle territory.
"We are fortunate to live in communes of a human scale, in a natural and preserved environment, which makes the Lyons Andelle region a great place to live!
Jean-Luc Romet, President of Comcom Lyons Andelle
The Plui to shape the future
Slipping into the role of intercommunal salesman, Jean-Luc Romet insisted on the "good fortune" of living in Lyons Andelle. "It's up to us to preserve our natural spaces, the beauty of our landscapes, and the buildings that make up the charm of our villages, which are the specificity of our intercommunality, which make us unique.
These singularities should be carried high by the Intercommunal Local Planning Scheme (PLUI) currently being drawn up.
"The PLUi will enable us to outline what we want for our communes and our territory in terms of development over the next 10-15 years.
Jean-Luc Romet, President of Comcom Lyons Andelle
While elected representatives have already been working on the project for several months, residents will be invited to take part in workshops and meetings, "because it's together that we need to think about the future, the future of our intermunicipality".
A micro-crèche under construction
To enhance its attractiveness, Comcom will continue to develop "our services for residents". Jean-Luc Romet spoke in particular of early childhood services.
In a few days' time, a project to renovate and build a micro-crèche in the commune of Perriers-sur-Andelle will be launched "to enable young parents to find a solution to their childcare needs".
The 15-place facility will "complement the 55 crèche places already available in the communes of Vandrimare and Romilly-sur-Andelle". These facilities are open to all families in the area, in addition to the 110 childminders attached to the Relai Petite Enfance (RPE).
For families, the comcom also runs after-school care centers in Ménesqueville, Lyons-la-Forêt and Vascœuil, as well as a leisure center in Vascœuil for children of all ages. Vascœuil for children aged 3 to 11, youth centers for 11-17 year-olds and financial assistance for young people taking their driving license or bafa.
Maintaining the elderly
For the elderly and dependent persons, the comcom relies on the home help service and its 50 agents, and the meal delivery service.
"Without these services, we wouldn't be able to enable those who wish to do so to age in their own homes and villages, and to keep their roots and landmarks for as long as possible. We must remain attentive to this essential service in rural areas, at a time when many questions are being asked about the future of homecare and care services.
During the ceremonies in the communes, Jean-Luc Romet launched an appeal for new recruits to bolster the homecare service.
To retain and attract new residents, the region's housing must also be attractive.
"In 2024, we will continue to work to improve our living environment by continuing our support for housing renovation. At a time when energy prices are skyrocketing, we need to help our residents improve the insulation of their homes and change their heating systems, all of which will improve their daily lives and preserve our environment."
Getting around
Because it's also this lifestyle - countryside and towns on a human scale, but located less than 25 km from Rouen - that attracts new residents. To capitalize on this, the comcom will continue its work "to preserve our territory, our resources and our landscapes. They are our wealth, and we must protect them!
This wishful thinking must go hand in hand with the need for residents to be able to get around "with our strong policy of investing in roads to enable everyone to travel safely on the roads of our territory".
"Facilitating mobility and offering you new, more environmentally-friendly and more economical modes of transport will once again be one of our intercommunal priorities this year. We need to multiply our actions and innovate so that travel is no longer an obstacle to work, study, shopping, medical appointments, family and friends...".
Jean-Luc Romet, President of Comcom Lyons Andelle
A medical oasis in a depressed département
Another major advantage for the region is its ability to provide medical care. If the Eure is a medical desert, Lyons Andelle is the exception. This is an important fact, and one that the President was quick to emphasize during ceremonies in the communes, where he confided: "I can tell you that we are the envy of other intercommunalités.
On Tuesday evening, Jean-Luc Romet recalled "the strong commitment we've made in recent years to healthcare, with the construction of the Lyons Andelle multi-professional health center in Charleval, which complements the existing healthcare offering in the area.These include the medical centers in Lyons-la-Forêt and Romilly-sur-Andelle, as well as all the practitioners based in the various communes.
Safety: keeping the gendarmes
After health, it's security that Jean-Luc Romet has been highlighting throughout the month. "The idea is to become the best-endowed sector in terms of security", he said at the vœux in Amfreville-les-Bains.ux in Amfreville-les-Champs on January 14, and to achieve this, the comcom is counting on good reception conditions for soldiers, both in the brigades and in their accommodation.
The first major project is the opening of the new gendarmerie in Fleury-sur-Andelle "in the next few weeks", a "a modern facility to meet the challenges of security, prevention, maintaining public order and providing assistance to all our residents."The project will cost 3.2 million euros (excluding VAT).
This project, which is nearing completion, will have taught elected representatives, military personnel and local residents alike the importance of patience.
In fact, when the foundation stone was laid in December 2021, it was announced that the new brigade and accommodation for soldiers would open in April 2023. As the months went by, this date was repeatedly postponed. Now, the intercommunalité is confident of handing over the keys to the gendarmes at the beginning of March.
Another brigade in the spotlight is the one at Lyons-la-Forêt, built in 1982. Following an energy audit last June, the need for renovation work was identified. The project, estimated at €638,000, is "designed to enable our military personnel to carry out their duties in the best possible conditions", and thus retain their loyalty to the region.
And the President was tireless in reminding the communes of the installation of a mobile brigade at ROmilly-sur-Andelle, in a few years' time, with the arrival of six additional gendarmes.
Attractiveness also means attracting tourists, because "we have real assets, and it's up to us to capitalize on them and make them even stronger". This is an essential area in which the community's elected representatives will continue to reflect. "These are real levers of resources, of job creation, a new impetus to boost our economy. It's up to us to seize the opportunities, to dare to undertake, to be imaginative.