Côte d'Ivoire/ A meeting to create business contacts between coffee and cocoa producers and companies in the sector in Vavoua

Published on 29/02/2024 | La rédaction

Ivory Coast

On Saturday February 24, 2024 in Vavoua, a networking ceremony brought together producers of the coffee-cocoa binomial and companies in the agrochemicals and biotechnology sectors applied to agriculture, at the initiative of the chocolate maker, Mars Wrigley.

Dubbed "Farmer's Day", the ceremony aimed to create a platform for producers in the coffee-cocoa binomial to gain practical experience of innovative technologies, benefit from expert advice and establish connections with companies operating in the sector.gain practical experience of innovative technologies, benefit from expert advice and establish connections with companies operating in the sector.

More than 400 producer members of the CAVA cooperative in Vavoua attended the event, and marveled at the new-generation agricultural machinery, coffee and cocoa biochemicals and financial products on offer.

CAVA's managers reported that they had made a number of contacts offering them business opportunities.

The Farmers' Day was organized by Mars Wrigley's partner Fairtrade Africa, as part of the Livelihoods and Ecosystems Advancement Program (LEAP, in French).cosystems Advancement Program (LEAP), which aims to "significantly" improve the lives of 5,000 producers and 36,000 members of their households.

According to director Patricia N'Guessan, "Farmers' Days" are also planned in Gohouo Zagna, Bangolo, Divo and Grand Béréby.

Source: www.aip.ci/

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