Benin-Turkey/Towards twinning the towns of Kalalé and Darica in Turkey

Published on 30/11/2023 | La rédaction

Benin, Turquie

A delegation from Benin made up of industrialists, businessmen and local elected representatives visited Turkey from November 13 to 19, 2023. The twinning of the town of Kalalé with the municipality of Darica is one of the achievements of this stay facilitated by the Beninese business firm Accès aux marchés africain et international (AMAI), and the Turkish company, GR Event World.

Beninese economic operators, businessmen and local elected representatives visited Turkey from November 13 to 19, 2023. During their stay in Turkey, the delegation first met with the Honorary Vice-Consul of the Republic of Benin in Turkey. It also had "fruitful working sessions" with local Turkish authorities, notably in Kocaeli, Gebze and Darica, where important exchanges took place with the mayor, Muzaffer Biyik.
The mayor of the commune of Kalalé, a member of the delegation, learned from a publication that a twinning agreement with the town of Darica was in the process of being signed.
During their stay, the Beninese delegation also visited the IMES industrial zone, the Gebze Chamber of Commerce and Industry, and several local businesses.
The visit was also an opportunity for these economic operators and local elected representatives to understand and enquire about attractiveness strategies in the region.of the attractiveness strategies developed by the various socio-economic players in the Turkish localities visited.


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