France/ Rue's twinning committee with Germany gets back on track
After several difficult years due to Covid, the Rue twinning committee has been given a new lease of life.
It's no secret that the health crisis has left many associations struggling to get back on their feet.
During this period, the Rue (Somme) twinning committee sadly lost its president, Claude Cailly, who passed away in September 2022.As a result, there was a slight lull in activity, which enabled a number of old members, joined by new ones, to take up the torch at the start of the year.
A short but much-appreciated stay
To achieve this, it was necessary to get the ball rolling again by calling on former members who agreed to revitalize the association, which celebrated its thirtieth anniversary in 2016.
To present this year's results, the members of the twinning committee met in the Bessie Coleman room at the beginning of the evening, in the presence of around twenty members.
This year, the twinning committee counted 31 adults and 6 young people, which confirms the committee's determination to strengthen its membership.
"We've sent out flyers to schools, shopkeepers and thetourist office, with some success, but I think we can do better," says secretary Hélène Legru. She then presented a report on activities, at which a number of board meetings were held to pool ideas and, above all, to plan a visit to our German friends in Borgentreich from September 22 to 24, 2023.
This trip, although very short, enabled us to meet up with friends we hadn't seen for a few years," she continues. What's more, the newcomers were also able to make friends with new German members who are also trying to get things moving again.
One thing's for sure: the trip left many fond memories. Everyone remembered the meal on the eve of the return trip, when the two musical groups had the opportunity to play a few pieces together, to everyone's great delight.
Negative balance sheet, but no cause for concern
The balance sheet presented by the treasurer showed a negative balance for the year of just under 700 euros.
"Don't worry, we had a reserve since we didn't do anything during the health crisis".
In September or October 2024, the twinning committee will be welcoming its German friends, where once again good cheer will be the order of the day.
Elected at the beginning of the year, the steering committee remains unchanged, with Hélène Grenu (secretary), Alain Bellevalette (treasurer), Marie-Claire Hennebert (membership management) and Jean Ponchon (communications) all having a role to play within the association.