France/ Dordogne commune seeks volunteers to collect 200 kg of carrots threatened with rotting

Published on 29/11/2023 | La rédaction


The Mairie de Razac-sur-l'Isle (Dordogne) is looking for volunteers to quickly harvest the commune's carrots. These vegetables, destined for the canteen and meals for the elderly, are in danger of rotting due to the heavy rains of recent weeks.

Rainfall in recent weeks is threatening the carrot harvest at the Mairie de Razac-sur-l'Isle (Dordogne). The soil of a plot purchased by the town council to supply the school canteen is waterlogged. The carrots planted by a local employee are in danger of rotting if they are left in the water for too long.
Patrick Calendreau, the local councillor in charge of the market garden, is appealing to local residents to help out next week.

Carrots to produce 230 meals a day

"The market-garden farm is on the plain, and the water table rises just above ground level, so the carrots are bathing and we're afraid they'll rot. The farm produces vegetables for the canteen, which prepares meals for the school, and for the grandfathers and grandmothers of the commune who receive meals at home: that's around 230 meals a day."

A few carrots for the volunteers too

The volunteers will pick the carrots with a local employee and other volunteers. They will then be washed and stored in a cold room before being used over the next few weeks." "People will leave with a few carrots, as a thank you," assures the elected representative.


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