Haiti - Education : Integrity clubs launched in schools
This week, the Ministry of Education and the Unité de Lutte Contre la Corruption (ULCC) launched the "Integrity Clubs" initiative at the Canadian-Haitian College, and presented the first two clubs of this kind to the media, one at the Lycée National de Pétion-Ville and the other at the Canadian-Haitian College, each with 8 members.
But the project's ambition is to set up such clubs in every school in the country, to encourage young people to join in the fight against corruption, by placing them in a process of self-learning and self-criticism.It also aims to initiate children, from an early age, to civic values, respect for the good of others and the public good.
In the opinion of Ludwig Joseph, Director General of ULCC, involving pupils in efforts to understand and combat corruption is a much better façon to destroy, if not reduce, the reproductive capacity of this hydra that does so much harm to Haitian society.
Speaking on behalf of Minister Nesmy Manigat, Hervé Boursiquot, Managing Director of the Office National de Partenariat en Éducation (ONAPE), began by reminding the audience that the involvement of the Haitian government in the fight against corruption is a key element in the fight against corruption.the involvement of the Ministry, which is convinced that education can help to save the country from this scourge, with its disastrous consequences on the lives of the population.
Boursiquot highlighted the link between the creation of integrity clubs in schools and the decision taken by the Ministry to ensure that Citizenship Education is a compulsory subject.Citizenship education is a subject that covers all levels of education: pre-school, primary and secondary. In other words, Haitian children will be introduced to the concepts of citizenship education as soon as they start pre-school, and this will continue through to Secondary 4.
"We can no longer afford to count the students we train today among tomorrow's corrupters. That's why we need to inculcate in them the values of good citizenship", concluded Hervé Boursiquot.
Brother Junior Pierre, Director of the Haitian-Canadian College, and Jean Marc Charles, Director of the Lycée National de Pétion-Ville, both welcomed the initiative. For Jean Marc Charles, the students, members of the Integrity Club of the Collège Canado-Haïtien and the members of the Integrity Club of the Lycée National de Pétion-Ville are ambassadors for a just cause, the cause of the new Haiti, preserved from the clutches of corruption.
The second highlight of the ceremony was the opportunity for the two integrity clubs to take turns hosting discussions. They enlightened the audience on: the culture of integrity in the school environment; the risk of corruption in the school environment; plagiarism and cheating as common practices of corruption in the school environment. At the end of each presentation, they put forward recommendations to help combat school fraud.
Members of the Lycée National de Pétion-ville Integrity Club:
Jean-Patrick Simon, Kaëlle René, Arielle-Nifer Dorsaint, Marvens-Davis Surfin, Danushky Pierre, Sébastien Jean, Stephens Marc-Bright Auguste and Marckens Jean.
Members of the Collège Canado-haïtien Integrity Club:
Aïna Christina Chérubin, Ruth Emmanuelle Henry, Omar Florestal, Lens Jerry Lochard, Cédric Wilson Darius, Carl Dejean and Berl-Hensa Bellevue.
Source: www.haitilibre.com/